Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot highlights the challenges women face in being defined by their gender and celebrates the wonderful women who forged a path for others. As a result of WTF, Rebecca has spoken out about women's rights and abuse in the military in The Guardian, The Huffington Post and has featured on BBC's Victoria Derbyshire show.
Her interview on Channel 4 News has received over 5 million views.
Read more about Rebecca's debut play here.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is currently in development for screen.
Compliance invites complicity, and challenges complacency. Pick up, it’s for you…
“It was the shocking story and unbelievable surveillance video that riveted the nation. A young McDonald's employee humiliated, forced to strip and then to perform a sexual act in the back office, during her working day…
Ogborn was called into assistant manager Donna Summers’ cramped office and told that Summers was on the telephone with a police officer... Summers says she never second-guessed what she was being asked to do, as she firmly believed the person she was talking to was a police officer. Ogborn says she trusted her manager to do what was right…
When a Mount Washington Police Detective began the process of trying to figure out who the caller was... he discovered that calls like this have been going on for more than 10 years. Ogborn, it turns out, was only the latest in a long line of victims.”
(ABC News, November 30, 2006)
This really happened. Not once or twice but 70 times. The shocking nature of this very real call and the multiplicity of its victims confronts us with the realization that any one of us could be a target, and any one of us could be a perpetrator. That’s either horrifying, or comforting in its solidarity. Compliance is a theatrical experience for a post-MeToo, post-Brett Kavanaugh, post-Trump world. And it asks us to reckon with what, if anything has changed.
Compliance is a 2012 American thriller film written and directed by Craig Zobel, based upon a strip search phone call scam that took place in Mount Washington, Kentucky, in which the caller, posing as a police officer, convinced a restaurant manager to carry out unlawful and intrusive procedures on an employee. Rebecca was commissioned by Producer Andrew Bendel to adapt this into a stage production directed by Whitney Mosery. In October 2019 the current draft received it’s first read through at Primary stages in New York.

Secretions of the Lac Beetle was researched and developed with the support of the Artist International Development Fund, British Council Vietnam, Vietnamese Women’s Museum and Arts Council England and received its first UK reading at The Park Theatre in November 2019.
Initially Rebecca was inspired to visit Vietnam by her own experiences in the military and her interest in the ultimate warrior women. The result has been a spiritual one where these meetings, dialogues and research residencies generously supported by the British Council and the Vietnamese Women’s Museum eventually lead Rebecca to the Mother Goddess ritual and temple. Mother Goddess worship is a UNESCO recognised ritual which induces incarnations, celebrates community and matriarchal worship.
The script, like the ritual continues to rebirth through many incarnations and the reading in November reading at The Park Theatre, was directed by Rebecca’s Old Vic mentor Tamsin Oglesby and starred Teowa Vuong as the MOTHER GODDESS, Lan Maika as LAM, Sophie Melville as EDIE and Erin Doherty as KAYA. The development of this play so far has walked hand in hand with Rebecca's personal journey towards motherhood. There has never been a more uncertain time for live work, but the script will continue to evolve, more news soon.

Rebecca wrote a short play for in response to Paper Cut by Andrew Rosendorf in March 2020.
Paper Cut made it to its second day of technical rehearsals before the Coronavirus enforced closure. A Zoom recording of Andrew’s play allowed writers to turn a frustrating situation into something truly fantastic. Over two hundred writers booked themselves up to stream the show and take part in the pre-show Q&A sessions and writers had a weekend to respond with a short play. Theatre 503 received a record number of submissions for a Rapid Write Response - and Rebecca’s Invisible Wounds was one of the 12 selected scenes.
Invisible Wounds was directed by Simone Mason
Rosin: Isela Hamilton
Marcy: Layla Kirk
Bruised Sky Productions invited Rebecca to write a short monologue for their Bruised Sky-Solution series on Twitter, exploring the extremes of separation through lockdown. You can watch ‘MAI’ below, starring the brilliant Lan Maika.

In association with The Old Vic.
A nightclub in Peru. A wheelchair cushion stuffed with cocaine. A prison sentence. Heart failure. Jay Ricardo-Marsh has Frederich’s Ataxia and is imprisoned in his own body.
His best friend Arash is his carer. They do everything together but Jay craves freedom for them both. Exceptional Mercy is based on a true story and uncovers a family's fight for injustice.
Exceptional Mercy is currently in development for screen.